On behalf of ESWO, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their contributions and continued support of our Annual Seize the Day Event!
Despite the current pandemic, epilepsy warriors across our community were able to come together between September 12 – 27, 2020 to raise awareness and participate in 2.5K walk / 5K run. We are so grateful for your participation and support and are happy to announce, that with your help, approximately $70,968 was raised this year! These funds will help support ESWO’s education programs. Did you know Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario relies heavily on our fundraising efforts, donations, and support from the community to operate? Your donation will help to ensure we can provide services and support to individuals and families affected by epilepsy in your community. Thank you!
We missed seeing the sea of purple and all of your smiling faces, so please share your participation photos on social media using #seizetheday2020 or by emailing to melissa@epilepsyswo.ca.
T-Shirt Sponsor:
Please let us know by the end of November if you have not received a tax receipt for your contributions. Share the method of payment and if possible date donated. Please note, we need the donor name and amount of donation with address to issue.
In order to help improve the event for next year, we would appreciate your feedback. Please consider sharing your thoughts with us through email or by phone, info@epilepsyswo.ca or 519-433-4073.