ESWO would like to thank all guests, sponsors, donors, and contributors for their support and commitment to making this year’s 36th Annual Gala “Mad Hatter Tea Party” a success! The event would not have been possible without everyone’s generosity and continued support of our organization.
Given the continued state of the pandemic, ESWO decided to hold the annual event in a hybrid format on April 2nd, 2022. This allowed guests the choice to join us in person or celebrate from the comfort of their home. We are pleased to announce that we surpassed our goal and raised approximately $49,300 to help further our mission and enhance the lives of individuals living with epilepsy!
The evening was hosted by CTV News London Reporter, Nick Paparella and included live entertainment from magician, Keith Brown. Additionally, the event included silent auctions, raffle draw and recognition of our H.O.P.E. award recipient: Ava Pitre.
Each year, ESWO presents a H.O.P.E. award (Helping Out People with Epilepsy). It is awarded to an individual, group of individuals, or organization that has demonstrated compassion and caring for people living with epilepsy. We were pleased to present the 2022 award to Ava Pitre. Ava Pitre is a very special 9-year-old epilepsy warrior, who has made helping people with epilepsy her main agenda. Recognizing the peace of mind that her anti-suffocation pillow brought to her own family, she began a fundraising mission to provide pillows to other local families. Ava’s passion for spreading epilepsy awareness drives these Epilepsy Awareness Month fundraising efforts, which have raised thousands of dollars and provided pillows to 28 families (and climbing) living with nocturnal seizures! Ava’s compassionate heart and commitment to spreading epilepsy awareness have earned her this year’s H.O.P.E. award.
View event photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/epilepsysupportcentre/albums/72177720298409507
Please share any event photos with us by tagging @epilepsyswo or using the hashtag #gala4epilepsy
Thank you to our event sponsors and participants: