With the heat of the summer here, many will be turning to the water for relief and fun! For those with epilepsy, water safety is an especially important conversation!
1. Always wear a Personal Floatation Device (PFD), even if you are a competent swimmer.
2. Even though you are protected with a PFD, you should never swim alone; always use a “buddy system.”
3. Ensure that those swimming with you are Seizure Safety Savvy! This includes keeping your head above water, calling for help (911), rolling you on your side, and checking your breathing if you have a seizure whilst in the water.
4. Make sure that you stay well hydrated and eat regular meals throughout the days as lack of energy and dehydration can lead to potential seizure activity.
For more specific information regarding seizures and water safety, please reach out to [email protected] or your local Epilepsy Educator!