ESWO is participating in Chatham’s Crowfest event with a “Crow Your Boat” race on Saturday, October 15. Tickets are now available and can be purchased by contacting sandra@epilepsyswo.ca
Crow Your Boat race is similar to a duck race, where we will be sending large crows in buoys down the Thames River in 2 heats, followed by a draw of the remaining tickets for the following 10 prizes:
1st – $10,000 Gift Card to Lally Auto or $10,000.00 cash (Lally Auto Group/Chatham Chrysler)
2nd – $2000 Travel Voucher (Darren Vellingas)
3rd – $1000 Best Buy Gift Card (Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario)
4th – iPad $1000 (First Choice Disaster Restoration/Business Social Network)
5th – $500 Grocery Gift Card (Downtown Chatham BIA)
6th – $500 Amazon Gift Card (Megan Canniff Realty)
7th – $500 Sonya Roe Jewelry Gift Card (Abstract Marketing Inc.)
8th – $500 LCBO Gift Card (Nest Realty)
9th – $500 Pizza for a year (The Wilton Realty Group)
10th – $500 Retro Suites Stay/Dinner – (Impact Graphics and Signs)
Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20 with proceeds supporting Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario.