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The Purple Door

March is Epilepsy Awareness Month! For the seventh year, we’re excited to launch #THEPURPLEDOOR2025 campaign! We invite you to decorate a door, bulletin board, or whatever free space you have at your school or place of business.

Submit a photo of your decorated door between March 1st, 2025 and March 31st, 2025 and be entered to win. Use the submission form below to send in your photos. If you’re sharing your photo on social media, be sure to use the hashtag #THEPURPLEDOOR2025.

The top three winners will be provided with a pizza party.  We will be posting the purple doors on our website and sharing on social media. Announced April 2nd.

Purple Door Submissions

Get Involved

Book an Epilepsy Awareness Month Thinking About Epilepsy classroom presentation!

Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario provides “Thinking About Epilepsy" classroom and school presentations. Presentations educate students about epilepsy and helps make the classroom a more welcoming environment for children living with epilepsy or seizure disorders. The Classroom Presentation will give age appropriate information about the brain, what a seizure is and what to do if someone has a seizure. Depending on the grade level, the presentation will be between 20 and 45 minutes. All presentations require access to a SMARTboard or computer, speakers and data projector.

Book with a local educator or by emailing

Thinking of adding a fundraiser to your Epilepsy Awareness Campaign??

Consider one of the following ideas to raise money for Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario.

  • A dress down day ($2 per person)
  • Set up a bake sale
  • Raise pledges to dye your hair purple
  • Thumbs Up for Epilepsy – set up a booth to paint thumbnails purple while collecting donations from participants.
  • Activity Marathon

Previous Purple Doors