ESWO wants to know if there’s anything more or less we can do for you and your family. Please take a moment to complete our quick survey—we’ve kept it short to respect your time. Your feedback will help us improve our communication with you!


Services (C2Cs and Programs)

Of the following programs that we currently offer or have offered in the past, please rate according to the scale

Please Rate the Program 1 – 5. 1 being not useful/helpful or satisfactory and 5 being very satisfactory. Please put N/A if not involved.

Of the previous programs that we currently offer or have offered in the past, please rate according to the scale

Please Rate the Program 1 – 5. 1 being not useful/helpful or satisfactory and 5 being very satisfactory. Please put N/A if not involved.


Spikes and Waves Newsletter

March Epilepsy Awareness Month

If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in our newsletters, please send your suggestions to Lynda – [email protected].

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