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March Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy Awareness Month is here! This is an opportunity to speak out and spread epilepsy awareness.

We encourage our community members to get involved in raising awareness about epilepsy, seizures, and seizure first aid in as many ways as possible. Whether it is creating an event, joining a campaign, volunteering, or fundraising, there are many opportunities for anyone to get involved. If you, your loved one, your colleague, or your acquaintance has epilepsy, take this opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of everyone living with epilepsy.

One in 100 people have epilepsy, but many don’t tell anyone about their health status due to public misconceptions about the condition. Epilepsy Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity to begin a discussion about epilepsy, educate the public and break down the stigma of epilepsy.

Please be sure to share your Epilepsy Awareness Month initiatives with our team. Register your campaign and tell us how you plan on spreading awareness. Use this website to register and share. Plus, we encourage you to post photos and use #EAM2025 on your social media. Any photos can be sent directly to and we will add them to our gallery.

If you plan on using Facebook Fundraising, a pledge form, or another platform, please complete the following form.

*Note: to send funds through Facebook, please search “EPILEPSY LONDON & AREA”

Purple Daisy Days at the Purple Pansy

One in 100 people have epilepsy, but many don’t tell anyone their health status due to public misconceptions about the condition. Epilepsy Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity to begin a discussion about epilepsy, educate the public and break down the stigma of seizure disorders.

The Purple Pansy Flower Boutique has found a BEAUTIFUL way to start the discussion about Epilepsy by holding their annual Purple Daisy Days.

1 bunch of Purple Daisy’s – $12.75.
Order by March 20th, 2025.

Although pre-ordering is necessary by calling 519-354-5555 or visiting the Purple Pansy at 46 William Street in Chatham-Kent.

Pick up is March 26th – 29th, 2025.

A portion of all bouquets sold will be donated to Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario to help fund the Education and Support services that we offer.

Purple Lights

Light up Southwestern Ontario with purple lights

  • Rotary Clock Tower, Tillsonburg – entire month of March
  • Municipal Building Atrium, Chatham-Kent – entire month of March
  • Caesars Windsor, Windsor – March 3rd – 7th
  • London Hydro, London – March 24th – 31th
  • Canada Life, London – March 26th – 31th
  • Sarnia City Hall, Sarnia – March 26th
  • London City Hall, London – March 26th
  • JA Taylor Building, London – March 26th

Get Involved

Looking for ideas on how to get involved? Here are some ways you might participate: 

  • Participate in our #ThePurpleDoor2025 campaign. Decorate your door purple and share with us. Prizes to be won!
  • Set up a seizure first aid presentation for your school or classroom to reduce epilepsy stigma and ensure classmates know what to do when they see a seizure.
  • Encourage your classroom or school to participate in an awareness event, and register so we can follow.
  • Promote awareness at your workplace or host a purple dress down day. Everyone makes a donation to participate.
  • Register your workplace for a Seizure 101 presentation with an Educator to ensure your workplace is seizure safe.
  • Collect pledges to dye your hair purple and join the #PurpleHairRevolution.
  • Hold a Walk-a-thon, Read-a-thon, Dance-a-thon, or a Thumbs Up for Epilepsy Initiative.
  • Share your story. We want to hear how epilepsy has affected your life. Connect with local Educator to discuss.
  • Epilepsy affects 1 in 100, participate in our 1 in 100 Campaign. Collect pledges for doing 100 of something (100 sit ups, walking for 100 minutes, baking 100 cookies) or set a goal to raise $100 to support ESWO.

Purple Door Campaign

Submit a photo of your decorated door between March 1st, 2025 and March 31st, 2025 and be entered to win. Follow the link to our Purple Door page and use the submission form to send in your photos. If you’re sharing your photo on social media, be sure to use the hashtag #THEPURPLEDOOR2025.