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Other Resources

In addition to our educational programs about epilepsy we have other resources available.

Research & Reports

Annual Reports

Annual reports for Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario. Click the image to view or download the PDF.

Annual Report 2022/2023

Annual Report 2021/2022

Annual Report 2020/2021

Annual Report 2019/2020

Annual Report 2018/2019

Annual Report 2017/2018

Annual Report 2016/2017

Annual Report 2015/2016

Annual Report 2014/2015

Annual Report 2013/2014

Annual Report 2012/2013

Annual Report 2011/2012

Mapping Connections: An Understanding of Neurological Conditions in Canada

Neurological conditions (diseases, disorders, and injuries) can directly affect Canadians of all ages. As these conditions may lead to symptoms and functional deficits that are often chronic in nature, they can have profound impacts on the life and well-being of affected individuals, their families, caregivers and communities.

Ministry of Education

More information from Ontario’s Ministry of Health.

OHTAC Recommendations: Care for Drug Refractory Epilepsy in Ontario (2012)

This document holds information about a study looking into epilepsy surgery involving MEG (magnetoencephalography) and the costs and barriers of this kind of treatment.

Provincial EMU Guidelines for Ontario (2014)

This document outlines protocols and provides guidelines for Epilepsy Monitoring Unit for diagnostic evaluation for epilepsy. It can be used as a guide for neurosurgical centres with EMU beds. The protocols are based on current processes in existing EMUs and represent expectations for the highest standards of epilepsy care.

Provincial Guidelines for Management of Epilepsy in Adults & Children (2020)

To support the flow of patients towards appropriate treatment for epilepsy, this document contains a set of guidelines to help with the diagnosis, treatment and referral practices from the moment of a patient’s first seizure.

The Impact of Epilepsy on Canadians (2012)

This survey is the first of its kind in Canada to reveal the impact on the life and health of adults living with epilepsy. We hope its insights provoke thought and action among individuals and governments that will make a difference to the lives of all people touched by the disorder.

COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance

This document is the update of an interim guidance originally published under the title “ Clinical management of COVID-19: interim guidance, 27 May 2020“.

Providing trustworthy guidance that is comprehensive and holistic for the optimal care of COVID-19 patients, throughout their entire illness is necessary. The previous version of the Clinical management of COVID-19 provided recommendations that can be applied when caring for patients during the COVID-19 care pathway.

Living with Epilepsy - Voices from the Community

Living with Epilepsy: Voices from the Community is unique in Canada. It is the only report to document the community based needs and program preferences of 425 individuals and families living with epilepsy. The report concludes with recommendations of ways we can make investments that will reduce the burden of epilepsy on the individual, the family, the health care team and the Ontario economy.


Epilepsy: Breaking the Silence (2012)

If you have epilepsy you are not alone. People living with epilepsy in this document share their stories and how they are coping with it.

Learning Through Storms

A newsletter from the Canadian Epilepsy Alliance.

Seizure Record

Keeping a record of seizures and characteristics of the seizure is important. Make sure to record the date, time, and length of the seizure and events/behavior changes before and after the seizure.

Seizure First Aid Poster

A quick guide for immediate assistance of someone having a seizure.

Seizure Protocol

Fill out this form so that we can help keep track of seizures and provide the necessary help.

Clinic To Community Referral Form

To refer an individual to our services, please fill out the Clinic To Community Referral Form below.

Webinar Series

Epilepsy Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Part of our Live Facebook Webinar series, this is a conversation with Dr. Seyed Mirsattari MD, Clinical Neurologist of London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), University Hospital on epilepsy care during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a 15 minute live Q&A at the end, with questions from the live feed.

Coping with the Stress of COVID-19

Part of our Live Facebook Webinar series, this is a conversation with Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Sarah Vernon-Scott, of London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), University Hospital on coping with the stress of COVID-19. There is a 15 minute live Q&A at the end, with questions from the live feed.

Epilepsy Treatment Options

Part of our Live Facebook Webinar series, this is a conversation with Paediatric Epileptologist, Dr. Andrea Andrade of Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) to discuss Epilepsy Treatment Options. There is a 15 minute live Q&A at the end, with questions from the live feed.

Youth Mental Health and Epilepsy

Are you a youth who is finding the psychosocial impact of epilepsy too difficult to manage on your own? Are you a parent trying to support your youth as they navigate their mental health during COVID-19 times? You are not alone!

As part of our Live Facebook Webinar series, please join Epilepsy Toronto and Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario as we join forces to bring you our latest webinar focused on youth mental health and its relationship with epilepsy.

Join our expert panel, who will share their experience working with youth mental health, and provide strategies to assist youth during this time. Q&A opportunity to follow.