Please join us for some Zumba fun at our monthly support group meeting, Meet, Play, Laugh. Come for a half hour of dancing fun and stay for a chat. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Our instructor will be Jaime VanVelzen, one of our fantastic members. New members are always welcome! Our Support Group is where…
Please join us May 21, 2019 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at our support group. Support Group takes place on the third Tuesday of every month from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at our office (797 York St, Unit 3 London, ON). Please RSVP to Jayme at [email protected]. RSVP is required.
The Chatham Neurology Center and Julia's Health and Beauty Clinic presents an Epilepsy Educational night: Update in Epilepsy management for patients and primary healthcare providers. Presented by: Dr. Awad Mortada. MD, FRCPC, Neurologist & Sandra Pidduck, Epilepsy Educator with the Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario Program. Sponsored by: UCB (Pharmaceutical Company) The Agenda for the evening includes dinner, speeches…