Thank you to our supporters in the media for featuring us in their publications. Friends, family of Ebony Kay “seize the day” CTV London: Epilepsy education RogersTV: What’s Up Oxford Belle River mother concerned for 2-year-old son with constant seizures waiting months for testing Seizures don’t equal epilepsy ‘She’s a trooper’: How this Windsor girl is fighting to support others with epilepsy Drive-thru Ribfest in CK will support Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario Hungry crowds pull up for drive-thru Ribfest This Week’s QUARANTINE KID: 8 Year Old AVA And Her Fight Against Epilepsy London Free Press, July 2018: Patients wait as long as a year for epilepsy test CTV News: Woman hopes sharing epilepsy story will help Huron County family spreading awareness of epilepsy by sharing their story Educating Students On Epilepsy HOCKEY COMMUNITY RALLY’S AROUND FAMILY AFFECTED BY EPILEPSY 2nd Tee’in Off for Epilepsy tops 2019 tournament Sinclair-Reece raises awareness for epilepsy Local epilepsy group organizing drive-thru rib festival as fundraiser Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario surpasses fundraising goal with CK Ribfest This Week’s Quarantine Kid: Aaliyah, A Kid With A Cause!