Thank you for considering a donation to ESWO
Thank you for your interest and support. 1 in 100 Canadians are affected by epilepsy and 1 in 10 will have a seizure in their lifetime. Your support means a lot to us, and will help to ensure we can provide services and support to individuals and families affected by epilepsy in your community.
What Can I Give?
You can make an ongoing pledge or a one-time donation using your credit card or by cheque. Please call our office at 519-433-4073 for more information or to start your donation. As an ongoing donor, you will be recognized for your contribution at our main office.
There are many ways you can make your contribution. Consider:
- Cash
- Bequest / Legacy giving – Consider leaving a gift in your Will
- Memorial gifts
- Gifts of Life Insurance or Retirement Benefits – Consider designating ESWO as the beneficiary of your RRSP or life insurance
- Asking your employer to match your donation
- Donate A Car – Donate A Car will accept your vehicle, running or not, and in turn, ESWO will send you a tax receipt for the value once recycled or sold. More information on their website
- Silent Auction Item – ESWO accepts new auction items for upcoming events
Ready to Donate?
You’ll make a difference in the lives of people affected by epilepsy in your community.
Please connect with for more information and to make a donation.